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Pulmans Is Old News

After 187 years in the business, Pulmans has seen a lot of changes. The steel market has come a long way, and we at Pulmans have come a long way too.

At Pulmans, we are continually changing to meet the needs of a changing market, and to give you a better idea of just how much we have changed, we’d like to share with you an advert we printed in Industries of Yorkshire way back in 1890.You’ll notice our product offering has changed quite a bit since then! Unfortunately we’ve discontinued our horse nails, picks, spades, anvil stands, railway waggon and cart springs and many more of our once-popular products.

We’ve also done away with our in-house forging capabilities, but we have added a fair few products and in-house capabilities to replace them.

As impressive as Pulmans was back in 1890, we think it’s safe to say that if the old crew of Pulmans were to see the amount of steel in our warehouse and the state-of-the-art sawing, profiling and machining equipment we have today, they would be proud to see how far we’ve come!

Oh and just to clarify – our phone number is no longer “54”, so please call 01422 833993 from now on!

Posted by Oli Rudling
31st October 2017

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